Another Brush with Success for Anyi

17-year-old Anyi has already hit the headlines after releasing three singles with her twin brother, but she can now add another string to her bow, having come third in a national art competition.
The sixth former entered the prestigious Artists of the Year contest run by the SAA (Supporting All Artists) in the summer of 2021 and was amongst one of 4,000 artists to submit their work. Three of her seven paintings were shortlisted in the competition that sees beginners and professionals entering in a variety of styles from still life to abstract art.
Anyi said, “I have been interested in visual art from a young age and began watercolour painting a couple of years ago. It is another hobby that allows me to express myself, so I was thrilled to be recognised in the Young Artist of the Year Category for 17 to 25 year-olds for 'Animal or Wildlife' pictures.”
Her ‘Winter Swan’ was awarded third place from amongst 250 pieces by a panel of judges that included internationally acclaimed artist and multi award-winning television presenter and producer, Neil Buchanan, and writer and Arts broadcaster, Lachlan Goudie who is himself a regular exhibitor in London and New York.
Along with her family, Anyi attended a private exhibition in Nottingham to view her professionally framed work and claim her prize. She has since been asked to write an article on how she painted her entry for the SAA monthly magazine and is now looking forward to spending her prize voucher and trying out the new paint and paintbrushes which she also won.
Although the exhibition has now finished, you can still view the winning entries in a 3D tour by clicking on this link Community SAA Exhibition
You can follow Anyi on: Instagram: @arty_anyi