Admissions Process

We are delighted that you are considering Manchester High School for Girls for your daughter. We provide a seamless all-round education for girls from the ages of 4 to 18 and proudly prepare them for happy, successful lives.

For all points of entry (Preparatory School, Senior School & Sixth Form), create your online applications account via this link, and once registered you will be automatically emailed with the next steps.

Please contact our Admissions Team at [email protected] or call 0161 224 0447 with any queries.

To jump to information on the different School entry points please click on the links below:

Prep Admissions | Senior Admissions | Sixth Form Admissions | Open Events

The Admissions Process for Entry in September
1Start your Manchester High journey with a visit to School at one of our Autumn Open Events.
2Applications should be made online via our Admissions Portal. The deadline for applications is the middle of December (dates will change each year) for pupils applying for places in the following September.
3Entrance Examinations for entry in September take place on January of the same year of entry.
4Supplementary Examination for those who miss the main examination take place a week or so after.
(Please note, this date is only for those children who are ill at the time of the initial Entrance Examination.)
5Interviews for candidates begin the week after the main examination (Senior School & Sixth Form only).
6Successful candidates’ offer letters posted in February and emailed in March (within two weeks of Entrance Examination for Preparatory School).
7Places to be accepted by mid-March (including offers with Financial Assistance - excluding Preparatory School).
8Welcome Information sent to new pupils along with details of transition events in the summer term.
9September – We welcome new starters to Manchester High School for Girls.

NB. Assessments days for Within Year applications may be arranged on a subsequent date.

Start Your Journey
Enter your child's date of birth to discover the key steps to joining us.
What is your child's date of birth?

If you are considering enrolling your daughter before Year 7, please contact the School's Registrar on [email protected] or call 0161 224 0447.


Prep Admissions | Senior Admissions | Sixth Form Admissions | Open Events

Preparatory Admissions Information

Infants (ages 4-6)

The Reception year is the start of the exciting journey into school life. Each Reception class has a full time class teacher and a classroom assistant to ensure the girls receive plenty of care and support. Classrooms are well resourced and have access to an outdoor area.

Reception Assessment Information

Girls are encouraged to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through adult-led and child-instigated activities, with a strong emphasis on active learning and investigation. Our aim is to give girls the best possible start to enable them to become confident, happy learners.

A systematic phonic-based approach to reading and writing is introduced within the first week at school.

For entry into the Reception class at age four plus, girls are normally invited into school for an assessment, during which they work on a one to one basis with a teacher, as well as socialising in small groups with girls of a similar age. In this informal and friendly atmosphere, they take part in a series of activities and tasks, which establish whether they would settle happily into our school environment.

Likewise, applicants for admission at age five plus are usually invited to visit the School and join their peers during lessons, as well as spending time individually with the teacher. The girls are expected to read to the teacher and their ability in English and Mathematics is assessed. A school report is requested from the Head Teacher of the applicant’s present school.

Infant Assessment Information

We are delighted that you are considering Manchester High School for Girls for your daughter’s education. Our admissions process is designed to be as smooth and supportive as possible, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make the right decision for your family. For entry in the next academic year, applications typically follow a structured timeline, including key assessment dates and opportunities to visit the school.

If you are interested in applying for within year entry, please contact our Admissions Team to arrange a tour and discuss any applications by email, on 0161 224 0447 or register your interest. Our admissions team will be happy to discuss availability, guide you through the application process, and arrange a personalised tour of the school. 

Junior (ages 6-11)

Girls applying into Key Stage 2 are normally required to sit an entrance test. Applicants are tested in Mathematics and English and there are problem solving and cognitive ability tests. Papers set in previous examinations are not published, as the form may vary from year to year. Guidelines indicating the kind of work applicants are expected to be familiar with is sent to parents on receipt of a completed registration form. A school report is requested from the Head Teacher of the applicant’s present school.

If you are interested in applying for within year entry, please contact our Admissions Team to arrange a tour and discuss any applications by email, on 0161 224 0447 or register your interest. Our admissions team will be happy to discuss availability, guide you through the application process, and arrange a personalised tour of the school. 

Within year admissions

Occasional vacancies occur from time to time as families move out of the area. The results of occasional vacancy assessments and offers of places are posted to parents at the earliest opportunity after the assessment date.

For further information, contact the Registrar on 0161 224 0447 or email them at [email protected].

Equality Policy

The School operates an equality policy and all girls are considered on merit.

The School welcomes girls from age four. However, there are opportunities to join the Preparatory School in all other year groups, subject to places being available. Please contact the Registrar for further information or enquire online.

Students at MHSFG

Senior Admissions Information

Manchester High School for Girls is an academically selective school and, as such, sets its own entrance examination. Applicants for entry into Year 7 are normally examined in Mathematics, Essay Writing, Comprehension and Reasoning. 

Applicants to the Senior School who do well enough in the initial written examination will be invited to attend for interview. Not all those interviewed, however, will be offered a place. At the interview stage we are looking for potential, a wide range of interests and a match between the ability of the child and her performance in the entrance examination.

Girls may be asked to read aloud at the interview, and they may also be given the chance to exhibit their potential through different activities from those set in the initial examinations. Each candidate will also be asked to bring something of interest with her to talk about with her interviewer.

A school reference is requested from the Head Teacher of the applicant’s present school. 

Manchester High School for Girls is part of the Greater Manchester Consortium of Independent Schools, and offers of places are made in line with the agreed dates of the Consortium. Examination results are not made available to individuals.

Sample Questions for MHSG Senior School Entrance Examination

To help pupils prepare for the 11+ (Year 7) entrance examination, we have provided sample questions from previous papers in English Comprehension, English Composition, and Mathematics. These examples give a clear idea of the question format and the skills required for success in the exam.

Download our sample questions here to support your preparation.


At age 11 plus, scholarships are awarded on the basis of performance in the entrance assessment and, in the case of music scholarships, and sports/dance scholarships, the individual’s performance at the audition, or assessment. Academic scholarships are awarded at the Head Mistress' discretion. Only a very small number of Bursaries are awarded each year. The decision to award a Bursary is based upon meeting the financial criteria and performing exceptionally well in the entrance assessment.

Students at MHSFG

Within Year Admissions

Occasional vacancies occur from time to time as families move out of the area. Applicants for occasional vacancies in Years 7 to 10 will be tested in Mathematics, English, and a Modern Foreign Language. They will be asked to bring their Science exercise books with them to the assessment, as they will be interviewed by a specialist teacher in Science. The results of occasional vacancy assessments and offers of places are posted to parents at the earliest opportunity after the assessment date.

For further information, contact the Registrar on 0161 224 0447 or email them at [email protected].


Sixth Form Admissions Information

We welcome applications for admission into the Sixth Form, which is normally conditional upon students achieving at least a grade A or 7 at GCSE in the subjects they wish to study, good passes in English and Mathematics and having at least five GCSEs at grade 7 or above. Applicants studying Science and Additional Science at GCSE should note that grade 7 or above in Mathematics is required if they wish to study a Science subject at A level.

There is, however, a measure of flexibility in these entry requirements to cover unexpected circumstances and illness. When selecting candidates for admission into the Sixth Form, we are looking for enthusiastic learners with a proven track record of participation in extra-curricular activities. The school report is an important part of the selection process, as are the interviews with the Director of Sixth Form Studies and the Head Mistress.

Students applying for entry into the Sixth Form are interviewed during the spring and summer terms.

Occasionally, scholarships and bursaries are available to girls entering the Sixth Form. These are awarded, at the discretion of the Head Mistress, on the basis of GCSE results and also, in the case of bursaries, on parental income.

Sixth Form Prospectus

For more information on admission for any stage of Manchester High School for Girls, please contact 0161 224 0447 or email [email protected].

Open Events & Working Day Tours

To register for one of our Open Events or Working Day Tours, please visit our Open Events page.