Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Manchester High School for Girls has a very active and enthusiastic Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Members help to raise funds for the School through a number of different activities.

The PTA funds the 'icing on the cake' items requested by different subject departments - everything from new visualisers for the Chemistry Department, to Balance bikes for the Prep. The PTA also funds and part funds larger items for the benefit of the whole School.

Recent purchases have included:

  • An MHSG branded hockey dugout for the Astro-turf pitches
  • A Play Stage and Cabin for the Prep playground
  • A £500 donation to fund an extra Young Enterprise team.

A percentage of all the funds we raise goes towards the MHSG Bursary Fund.


Manchester High's PTA are looking for parents’ support via the Easy Fundraising app. If you love your online shopping, you can download the Easy Fundraising app (free of charge) and nominate MHSG as your chosen charity. Easy Fundraising is a portal through which you can shop, leading you straight to your favourite online stores, while raising funds.

Approximately 2% of any purchases made through the app will come straight to Manchester High's PTA. It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost a penny. Since 2020, supporters of the School have raised nearly £2,000 for the PTA.



Over the years, the PTA have organised some great events, which allow parents to meet and form friendships through their daughters.

We have now held two PTA Christmas Fairs in December and they have been a massive success, raising over £15,000 in total.

It brings the entire School community together for a fabulous afternoon of festive fun!

The Pre-loved Uniform Shop

The Pre-loved Uniform Shop is not only a big fundraiser for the PTA, but also fantastic for the environment. It normally takes place in School on the first Thursday of each month, between 1.30-3.45pm.

The date of the next pre-loved uniform sale will be confirmed and shared here in due course.

Senior School pupils can visit the sale during their lunchbreak and can also pay via contactless, to save parents travelling into school themselves.


The shop relies on the kindness of parents to donate their unwanted uniforms–every penny goes straight to the PTA and the Bursary Fund. Please drop clean and washed uniform at Main Reception or Prep Reception to donate.


PTA Meetings

The PTA Committee currently meets every term, to plan the fundraising agenda for the forthcoming year.

The next PTA Meeting will be held in the Spring Term (exact date and time TBC), on Zoom.

Why not get involved? You will not need any specific skills, just some free time, masses of enthusiasm, and a strong desire to make a difference. If you would like to join us please contact us using the details below or by emailing [email protected].

Every term, the PTA create a newsletter, with updated fundraising efforts and news, which you may like to read. Please click below to read the past few newsletters.

PTA Newsletter Autumn 2024

PTA Newsletter Summer 2024

PTA Newsletter Spring 2024

PTA Newsletter Summer 2023

PTA Newsletter Spring 2023


Chair of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Annabelle Marston

0161 224 0447