Mo-Long to Movember

As we wave goodbye to the month of Movember, we also bid farewell to the ‘Fan-Tache-Tic’ moustaches lovingly cultivated over the last 30 days by the 'Man High Bros'.
The ‘Fa-Mo-us Five’ reached ‘mo-mentous’ status amongst staff and students last year, when they raised money for the Movember Foundation, and this year they wanted to see whether their hairy efforts could ‘grow’ their fundraising even further! We are delighted to say that their efforts were not in vain and, having broken their original £1,000 target, their total currently stands at a ‘mo-vellous’ £1,780!
‘Moustached Maestro’ and Director of Digital Solutions, Jon Haves, is blown away by the support. He said, “This is far more than I thought we might be able to get second time around and that is more than just great!” He continued, “Each of us five Mo-Bros have our reasons for wanting to fundraise with Movember. Our efforts in shapely shaving have brought in cash that will make a real difference and we are so grateful to everyone who has contributed.”
Indeed, the money raised for the Movember Foundation will be used to fund services supporting men suffering with mental health issues, men coping with prostate cancer, or even young men faced with the shock of testicular cancer - one of the most common forms of cancer in younger men. Whilst the number of cases is frightening, testicular cancer has a high success rate for treatment, but more money is needed to raise awareness, offer screening programmes, support young patients and reduce the embarrassment of talking about it.
Physics Teachers, Paul McDaid and Ben Eaton; Maths Teacher, Brendon Norris and Teacher of Economics, Mike Randall, joined Jon in morphing into their alter egos to create moustaches in the styles of Inspector Clouseau, Motorhead musician - Lemmy, Ron Mael from Sparks, Karl Marx and Midge Ure!
Needless to say, the five members of staff have caused quite a ‘com-mo-tion’ in school, but the arrival of December has thankfully brought with it a clean shave for most of them! Anyone still wishing to support the Mo-Bros can still do so by following the link to their Movember fundraising page