Manchester High girls celebrate the next stage in their exciting journeys

Sixth Form students at Manchester High School for Girls are celebrating their excellent and well-deserved grades and planning their next steps, after today’s A-level results.
Whilst this year’s A-levels were once again awarded in a different manner, this must not detract from the work that our students have put into their studies over the course of the last two years; their grades are the well-deserved consequence of their fantastic work ethic and positive approach to study. I am so proud of our Class of 2021 who have experienced a final year like no other in the School’s long history. Our Senior Sixth girls are a bright, conscientious and resilient group who will, I am sure, continue to challenge and excel in their chosen fields. I am delighted that so many of our A-level students have achieved the grades they need for the next stage of their journeys and will be taking up their chosen university place. We look forward to seeing them continue to flourish as they progress beyond the school gates.
Indeed, we are so pleased to see that our Manchester High students are, once again, going on to a broad range of destinations – including Oxbridge and Durham University as well as King’s College London. They will be starting their training in a huge array of courses, including Medicine, Maths, Aerospace Engineering and Law as well as taking their studies to a higher level in Music, Geography, Languages and Classics. There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ Manchester High girl and this year, again, we see our students pursuing their goals in a hugely diverse range of fields.
I know 2021 has been challenging for our students and their families but I am confident that they will go on to achieve great things. Like other members of our wonderful alumnae before them, they will no doubt make a positive impact and be real agents of change on the world around them. We have missed celebrating many of the final year ‘rites of passage’ with the girls and we are so glad to celebrate their achievements in person with them today. I wish every one of them happiness and success as they leave us for the next stage of their exciting, educational journeys.
Head Mistress, Mrs Helen Jeys
The course for me
Head Girl, Yoonsun Hwang, from Heaton Mersey will go on to King’s College London, taking up a place to study Medicine. Yoonsun joined MHSG 6 years ago, in Year 8.
I loved being at Manchester High because of the work ethic here. School made it feel like it was “cool” to study. I was so proud to be Head Girl and to be able to work with a fantastic team that were able to support and speak out for younger students.
Yoonsun was awarded four A*s in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths and A* in the EPQ.
Off to Cambridge:
Gwendolen, Lara, Ellie & Annie
Gwendolen Sellers from Fallowfield will go on to Cambridge University, taking up a place to study Computer Science. Gwendolen joined MHSG 14 years ago, in 2006.
I am so grateful that Manchester High gave me the opportunity to try new subjects and activities. If I hadn’t been encouraged to try coding, I would never have discovered my passion for computers.
Gwendolen was awarded three A*s in German, Further Maths and Physics.
Proud to be a Man High Girl
Annie Lomax from Cheadle joined MHSG in Year 10 as one of our Bursary pupils. Today she’s celebrating her place at Cambridge University where she’ll study Law. Annie was awarded three A*s in English Literature, History and Religious Studies. Annie explained,
Without Manchester High taking a chance on me and giving me a bursary, I would not be where I am today. The Man High community means everything to me and there is not a teacher or student who is not supportive here.
Phoebe Palmer from Warrington joined MHSG in Year 7 because she was keen on climbing and loved the fact that the School had its own climbing wall! Today she’s celebrating her place at the University of Durham where she’ll study History and Politics. Phoebe was awarded three A*s in Economics, History and Politics. Phoebe explained,
It was the climbing wall that first attracted me to Man High! I was already a keen climber and knowing that there was a climbing club here was a big plus. It has been wonderful to be part of a mini community within school and I am so grateful for all the extra-curricular opportunities available. Doing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award has made me more confident and has provided me with some of my best memories of school.
Good luck to all the Senior Sixth
Music Students:
Christina and Natasha
Ella Walker from Mottram St Andrews will go on to Bristol University, taking up a place to study Psychology with Innovation. Ella joined MHSG in Year 7.
I will miss Manchester High a lot! The teachers have been so supportive and friendly and really helped me to balance my commitments with the GB Handball team and my tennis. I will never forget my time here and will miss everyone.
Ella was awarded three A*s in English Literature, PE and Psychology. Today she’s feeling relieved, really pleased and wishing good luck to all the Senior Sixth girls.
Christina Maxfield from Didsbury will be studying an accelerated course in Music at the Royal Northern College of Music. Christina joined MHSG in the Prep Department 14 years ago and has just returned from performing on her violin with the National Youth Orchestra. She said,
I have been at Manchester High for most of my life and growing up in a high achieving, welcoming community has been an excellent foundation and prepared me for the future.
Sixth Form Applications for September 2021
There are a limited number of places in the Sixth Form at Manchester High School for Girls for this September.
As Mrs Helen Jeys explained:
Every year at Manchester High we speak to girls with a fantastic set of GCSE results, who want to see what our high performing Sixth Form can offer them. We will be available on GCSE results day so that girls can explore their options.
To enquire, contact [email protected]