Studens Flock to Engineering

More and more students at Manchester High School for Girls are discovering the opportunities that STEM subjects provide and, each year, the number of students applying to take part in the Industrial Cadets Gold Project at MHSG is increasing.
For several years, students in sixth form have applied to be part of a small team that enters the scheme run by the EDT (Engineering Development Trust) that connects young people with industry. The team are partnered with an engineering company, working with them on a specific project that provides them with invaluable experience and industry contacts.
In 2020, sixth formers, Rumaisa, Sanjana, Ellouise, Asiya, Lilia and Aimee worked remotely with three Siemens engineers to create a solution to the issues caused by the large bird population at their Siemens Manchester site. They were tasked with producing a design specification for a deterrent that could be deployed against the birds without causing harm.
Sadly, due to COVID, the usual residential workshop did not take place and the students were unable to build a working model. Instead, they attended a series of remote webinars and a virtual tour of the Siemens site followed by a Q&A session with a group of engineers. Under the guidance of their mentors, the six students then created a product specification and design accompanied by a written report of their findings which they presented to a panel of engineer judges.
The feedback was impressive with judges referring to it as “An outstanding and highly professional project.” All six students were awarded a certificate on the final day of term for all their hard work and commitment to the project.
Head of Physics, Mr McDaid, said “Students are so enthusiastic about STEM and get so much out of the scheme. We hope to see more of them entering the field of engineering over the coming years.” He continued, “Next year’s budding engineers have much to live up to, but we are sure they are more than up for the challenge!”