'Living Legends' Hang up their Lab Coats

Today we said a fond farewell to two ‘living legends’ who, between them, have worked at Manchester High School for Girls for more than 60 years!
Dr Tina Poucher and Dr Rose Hoban are hanging up their lab coats and retiring from the Science Department, having worked at the School for their entire teaching careers.
Head Mistress, Mrs Jeys, described them as “incredible members of staff.” She continued, “They are both real role models to teachers and have been committed to their subject, and to our pupils, for over three decades. They are, quite literally, legends.”
Teaching was not something that either of them had considered as a career and in fact both worked in the field of research prior to becoming a Teacher. Dr Poucher recalls how she fell into teaching when she was asked to teach biology to Medical students at Leeds University.
She said, “At the time, I wanted to earn a little extra money on top of my research job, so I agreed to do some teaching to undergraduate students and I loved it! It completely changed the course of my career and I was soon at Manchester University doing a PGCE in biology. Manchester High was my very first teaching job and I never left!”
For her, it is the girls that have made her 35 years at MHSG so special, and she hopes that over the years, “the girls know that I believed in them and wanted them to do their very best.”
Having completed a PhD and two post-doctorates, Dr Hoban, was researching molecular biology in the field of cancer, before she made the switch to a more secure job that fitted in with her young family. She joined MHSG as a newly qualified chemistry teacher and remained at the School for the next 27 years!
She said, “Working at Manchester High has been so rewarding. I have had the pleasure of working with the most supportive staff and lovely pupils who are always full of enthusiasm and respect. I hope that I have made learning chemistry interesting and fun and helped students believe that they could achieve great things if they put their mind to it. But isn’t that everyone at MHSG?!”
Dr Hoban is now looking forward to spending time with her 11-week-old granddaughter and having more time to indulge in her passion for running!
Similarly, Dr Poucher is thrilled that her 17-month-old grandson and his family are moving back up north. Indeed, in her retirement letter to Mrs Jeys she said, “It is time for Dr Poucher to hang up her lab coat and Granny Tina to evolve!”
We wish them, and all our retiring staff, a long and happy retirement and thank them for all their hard work and dedication over the years.