New Head of the Preparatory Department Announced

We are delighted to announce Mrs Samantha Gibbons as the new Head of the Preparatory Department at Manchester High School for Girls from September 2021.
Currently, Mrs Gibbons is Deputy Head (Curriculum) at Lady Barn House School, where she has enjoyed an extremely successful career to date. During her sixteen years at the School, and five years as Deputy Head, she has taught children across the key stages and has been subject lead for Mathematics and Geography.
Mrs Gibbons gained a First-Class Degree in Primary Education from Manchester University and was awarded her National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in December 2018. She is also an Inspector of Schools for the Independent Schools Inspectorate and will bring a wealth of knowledge to the role.
Her focus and passion for all children leading fulfilled and happy lives, underpinned by a strong sense of self and an emphasis on positive contributions to the wider community, made her a natural choice for this appointment.
Head Mistress, Helen Jeys, said, “Her ethos and values very much align with those so important to life at MHSG. Indeed, Mrs Gibbons wants for every child at MHSG Preparatory Department to develop their innate potential and she is keen to ensure that the happiness and wellbeing of every child, the fulfilling of their academic potential as well as the importance of fun and laughter, are at the centre of life at our wonderful school.”
Teaching and support staff within MHSG Preparatory Department are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Gibbons to the School, where she will also play an important role within the whole school Senior Leadership Team.
It is hoped that, with the easing of restrictions, parents will be able to meet with Mrs Gibbons towards the end of the academic year. In the meantime, current Head of Prep, Mrs Mortimer, will continue to successfully lead the Department to the end of the summer term.