Messages of Kindness in Memory of Daniella

Today, staff and students have been celebrating Daniella Day - an event which takes place annually in memory of much-loved student, Daniella Sciama, who tragically died in 2013.
Daniella attended Manchester High School from 2006 to 2013 and is fondly remembered for the resilience she showed whilst bravely battling a range of chronic conditions. She sadly passed away following a severe asthma attack during her first term at the University of Edinburgh.
Every year her Sixth Form tutor, Mrs Chisnall, organises a day that honours the former pupil. She recalls how Daniella was “full of the Man High spirit and to me, represented all that is wonderful about our students – bright, fun, spirited and most importantly kind.” She continued, “Today is about remembering all the positive things she stood for.”
This annual event normally takes place around Daniella’s birthday in March and sees students making a chain of coins around The Daniella Sciama Memorial Garden, which are then used to buy sanitary products for the Cornerstone charity. This year, the restrictions surrounding Covid meant the event was postponed and instead of placing coins, students have been writing messages of kindness and positivity. These are now being displayed on trees in the garden alongside some beautiful balloons placed there by her mother this morning.
MFL Teacher and friend of Daniella, Mr Kingsley, ‘virtually’ introduced the day and remembered her as “an inspirational member of the community.” For him the event is “particularly poignant this year as she was someone who overcame so much adversity - which is something that we have all had to do over the past year.”
Each student also received a biscuit iced with Daniella’s favourite colour – pink!