Manchester High Year 11 students celebrate their GCSE exam results

Today’s GCSE results are a real testament to the hard work and dedication from both our Year 11 students and staff here at Manchester High School for Girls who have experienced an academic year unlike any other.
Our Year 11 students are remarkable, tenacious young people and, despite the enormous challenges of the last eighteen months, they have worked so hard to achieve the results they deserve. They are a conscientious and resilient group of students and I know they will continue to excel in the next stage of their learning. I am delighted with the fantastic news that the vast majority will be continuing their educational journey in our Sixth Form where they will be studying a wide variety of subjects in our purpose-built centre. Tribute must be paid, also, to our fantastic staff who have provided our students with an outstanding level of support. We look forward to welcoming our students back in September to start a new chapter in our Sixth Form!
Head Mistress, Mrs Helen Jeys
Dancing her way to success

Natalie Fu from Failsworth is one of two girls awarded ten grade 9’s and who is staying on at MHSG to study Maths, Further Maths, Computer Studies, Physics and Chemistry. Natalie said,
I feel in such a state of shock and am lost for words. MHSG has been such a support academically and pastorally this past year that it feels like a second home to me, a place where learning is fun.
Natalie also took Dance as one of her GCSE subjects and she said of this opportunity,
I love to dance, both at home and in school, and Man High is the only local independent school that offers this as a GCSE; it’s a great way to express myself as sometimes I cannot find the right words to do that. It’s why I have enjoyed being in the wind band, orchestra and jazz band as I get to understand me more and make friends and meet new people.
Computer says ‘Yes’ on the day
Rosie Tian from Salford, Insiya Mullamitha from West Disbury and Olivia Gibson from Heaton Norris also achieved nine grade 9’s and all took Computer Science as one of their subjects.
Rosie is staying on to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics next year at MHSG’s Sixth Form. She said,
I am so happy and really pleased that all the hard work has paid off and that this first step on the journey to becoming a surgeon or DNA engineer has gone so well.

Insiya will continue with Computer Science at A-level as well as Biology, French and Maths. She said of her results,
I am really happy with my results as I have been so nervous for the past two months. The teachers have been so supportive and helpful throughout, especially during the lockdown periods, and everyone in Year 11 has been so supportive of each other too.
Olivia will be taking Computer Science as one of her A-levels alongside Maths, Further Maths and English Literature. She said of her achievement,
It is such a great feeling to finally have my results and to have achieved all 9’s following the amazing help from all the teaching staff who have ensured throughout that even when I achieved a bad assessment mark, they encouraged me not to despair. Computer Science is such a fascinating subject and I know that this is the career for me with the knowledge there are lots of job opportunities in this ever-growing sector.
Et Tu Girls
Ebubechukwu Irozru from Bury and Jasmin De Goede from Bolton also achieved nine grade 9’s with both girls taking Latin as one of their subjects.
Ebubechukwu is staying on to study A-levels in Maths, Psychology, Classical Civilisation and French and she said of her results,
I feel amazing to have achieved these results and a lot of this is down to the incredible and specific support from teachers over the last two years who even curated lessons around key areas we needed extra help in. It will really allow me to be able to follow my dream of becoming a psychologist with the aim of supporting minority ethnic children and their parents.
Man High is a really good community and is such a special place; it has allowed me to study Latin, both the language and culture as well as giving me the opportunity to help others by organising projects such as arranging a collection of food for a local food bank during the pandemic.
Catrin, Insiya, Anaya, Ebubechukwu, Jasmin and Kelly
Jasmin is going on to take A-levels in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. She said of her achievement,
I am very happy that all the hard work has paid off and I have achieved these top results. The education and learning environment as well as the pastoral care and mental health support has been amazing, and all of this combined has really paved the way for my nine 9’s. To be able to learn in a safe and comfortable space making lots of good friends is a truly wonderful way to grow educationally.
Amazing academic and pastoral support
Catrin Barrowcliffe from Stockport achieved nine grade 9’s and she is staying on to take A-levels in Physics, History, Politics and PE. She said of her results,
I feel so good and proud to have achieved these results and it is a lot down to the amazing teachers who were so engaged with us over the last year ... I want to go into law or international relations as I do a lot of debating at school and am involved with Model United Nations, so these results are the first stepping stone to this ambition.
Miriam Veltkamp from Warrington. Emily Brockington from Glossop and Anaya Choudry from Hale also achieved a string of 9’s including the highest grades in Graphics, Art and Food Technology respectively.
Miriam is staying on to do Biology, Chemistry, Economics and PE next year at MHSG’s Sixth Form. She said,
I was not expecting to get all 9’s and as I want to become a vet, I feel amazing and so proud! The teachers are so helpful and Man High has lots of good systems in place to help push you towards the top grades both academically and emotionally. The pastoral care here is the best so when you are struggling you get such good care and support.
Insiya and Family
Emily added,
It was so hard to start Year 11 and get back into study and I asked for help and the response I got was amazing from teachers so that I was back on track in no time.
Anaya also said of her achievement,
I am so excited and proud as my twin sister also got straight 9s too. I really have to thank the incredibly supportive and helpful staff here at Man High.
Finally, Kelly Mau also achieved a full set of 9’s in subjects including German, Spanish and Music. She said of her results,
I am so relieved to have achieved these results and all because of the amazing staff who have really pushed me to achieve my potential. I am so proud to be a Man High Girl and be part of this kind and caring community.
Sixth Form Applications for September 2021
There are a limited number of places in the Sixth Form at Manchester High School for Girls for this September.
As Mrs Helen Jeys explained:
"Every year at Manchester High, we speak to girls with a fantastic set of GCSE results, who want to see what our high performing Sixth Form can offer them. We will be available to speak to potential students today and tomorrow and into next week, so that girls can explore their options.
To enquire, contact [email protected]