An Olympic Effort in Physics

Back in June, nine budding Physicists from Year 8 embarked upon a series of challenges for the Physics Olympics organised by St Peter’s School in York and were delighted to achieve second place overall!
The students participated in three tasks that included a quiz and two practical activities - ‘Headline for Heights’ that saw them creating a tower from newspaper and ‘Good Vibrations’ in which students measured the time period of different masses attached to an oscillating ruler.
Whilst the event was held remotely, students nonetheless had strict guidelines and time frames in which the activities could be completed, and all results were meticulously recorded and sent off.
Teacher of Physics, Mrs Bennett, who supported the girls during the competition, was delighted to receive the results during her summer break.
I received an email with the news that our ‘Good Vibrations’ experiment had won silver and that our overall cumulative points meant we achieved second place! I couldn’t wait to share the news with the students when they returned in September.
The Year 8 team have now received their certificates and were as delighted as their teacher.
One member of the team, Ellie, said “I loved the experience of the Physics Olympics as it was very different to what we have done in lessons, I was delighted when I found out we came 2nd overall!” Her friend and teammate, Milly, also agreed that “The Physics Olympics was a really great opportunity to learn new things and have fun with my friends!”
We have a thriving Physics department and students are always eager to participate in STEM competitions. We can’t wait to see how our current Year 8s perform in the 2022 Physics Olympics!
Mrs Bennett