Memories of Lakeside

As our Year 7 pupils prepare for a team building trip to Lakeside next week, Senior 6 student Annika shares her memories of the experience in a personal message to them.
Annika on her first day in Year 7
Lakeside is a memorable trip for all Man High Girls. Although it may seem daunting at first; Lakeside is a great way to bond whilst having a good time and experiencing a vast range of fun activities.
Yet, I’m sure you’ve already heard all about this. So, instead let’s try and re-jog my memory, to give a first-hand account about my Lakeside experience – back in 2015.
At Lakeside, you will be able to do many things you would never, usually, experience. From going on a trapeze to a huge swing (emphasis on the huge). For me, the building of the Raft stands out the most. The enjoyment, after working as a team to build this raft and then, seeing It floating, is a great memory. The obstacle course was a more infamous activity for me; trying not to fall into the mud and then, in the last section falling in (one of my less fine moments).
However, there is more to Lakeside than just the few activities I have mentioned. At first, you may seem nervous to share a room with a large group but, by the end of the trip you will have closer friends along with a bunch of first-rate memories. From fun gossip in the bedrooms, getting ready in the morning along with the “midnight” snacks at night; Lakeside is in theory one big sleepover.
I hope you all get out as much as possible from Lakeside, and I must say all this reminiscing has made me want to join you!
Annika (bottom left) with the rest of the Head Girl Team for 2021-22