The Well Being Journey at the Heart of our School

Manchester High School for Girls students in Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form welcomed alumna, Gaby Lebovits, back to School for their first weekly wellbeing session of the academic year.
Gaby Lebovits
Gaby, Class of 2012, is currently an Academic and Wellbeing Practitioner at Xaverian Sixth Form College. She spoke to students about the importance of managing stress and maintaining wellbeing.
At MHSG, our approach to wellbeing is proactive. We aim to encourage our pupils to develop those skills and characteristics that will enable them to flourish and, most importantly, to be happy. We have always prioritised the wellbeing of all members of our community and this ethos is now one of our five core values as well as being a crucial element in our ongoing strategic development. (View our 2021-24 Strategic Objectives here.)
Utilising her background in Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Gaby broke her talk down into various areas to give our students some solutions to help deal with exam stress and worry, as well as managing negative thoughts and staying motivated to complete tasks through setting small targets.
She talked students through what their typical week might look like, in order to give them the tools to support them to fit everything in, from school, homework and extra-curricular activities to friendships and screen time. Those tools included setting boundaries, softening your internal voice through change in language, acknowledging emotions, and remembering that your self-worth is unconditional.
Gaby brought her session to a close by reminding students that to create wellbeing in our lives, we need to embrace the NHS recommended “Five Ways to Wellbeing”: connect, be active, give, keep learning and take notice.